Our goal is to provide an educational platform that is fun, common sense, congruent, easy to understand and, most of all, experience based. Methods that have been proven successful both empirically and supported by cutting edge research.


The TRULY HEAL program is designed to combine all aspects of health into one simple system that guides you step by step. The first phase is a comprehensive evaluation that helps a patient to find the cause, while the second phase is designed to combine the removal of the cause with the most effective treatments worldwide.

The four pillars of personalized and self-managed medicine to prevent and manage chronic illness, as stated by Dr. Halsted Holman, a professor at the Stanford University of Medicine, are:

  1. There is no complete cure for chronic illness unless the cause of the individuals' own disease is discovered and successfully managed; individualized management over time is essential.
  2. For effective treatment of chronic illness, the individual must engage continually in different approaches to his or her health.
  3. The individual knows the most about his or her own condition and about the effects of certain therapies and must apply that knowledge in shaping a self-management program.
  4. To achieve success, the individual and the individual's health professionals must share knowledge and divide authority.


Once we can change the mindset of a patient away from the symptom to the actual cause, they are empowered to help themselves. Patients gain self-confidence and trust in their own ability to truly heal by removing the causes. Working with a Truly Heal qualified coach will create trust and certainty that the underlying cause of their disease will be addressed.


To remain neutral we will not take part in product advertising hype and promotions. We offer an independent review platform to show our clients the most opportune solution. These reviews will be health specific and cover tests, treatments, and remedies of all sorts. Sponsors that are connected with products are discriminated and filtered with extreme caution. Only products and businesses that are congruent with our entire business goals and beliefs will be supported.


The TRULY HEAL Program doesn't merely look at the physical attributes of our being. Instead in is a holistic approach that links all forms of your existence from your spirituality, life force, emotional and psychological health and physical attributes. All of these are linked by invisible strings, which become obvious through this program. When identifying disease we look at the imbalances or disharmony it has caused to the homeostasis of our body. Rather then treating a disease by its presenting symptoms, we address the causing factors. These so-called diseases are dysfunction of each individual's physiological functioning which are due to varied causes and therefore demand treatment approaches as different from one another as are the individuals.

The new model of medicine will personalize treatment to the individual's particular genetic makeup, lifestyle and diet. It will address the causes of the individual's dis-ease and not treat the symptoms with drugs. The Truly Heal program fully implements this new model of  medicine.

Watch this great video by Dr. Mark Hyman explaining functional medicine.