The Truly Heal Functional Medicine Health Coaching Course is one of a kind
Functional medicine is a personalised and integrative approach to health. It involves the understanding of disease prevention, disease management and provides the tools and skills to find the underlying root causes of complex chronic conditions. The ultimate goal is to remove the dis-harmonies from the body and thus restoring a healthy dis-ease free life. However, a healthy life is not defined by the absence of disease, but rather as the positive vitality experienced by an individual.
Once certified as Functional Medicine Health Coach you are equipped with an invaluable toolbox filled with tools to evaluate and guide a client towards health. Our coaches make a real difference in people’s lives by providing much needed support and guidance to help clients recover from chronic illness or improve general well-being. As a coach you build a relationship with your clients based on trust, compassion, accountability, comprehensive knowledge and understanding.
The Truly Heal Functional Medicine Health coaching program is a very strategic and logically established curriculum easily translated in day to day client coaching.
You are provided with a thorough questionnaire applicable to any client, which helps to sift comprehensively through all information needed to establish an all-inclusive plan of action.
The Truly Heal Functional Medicine Health Coaching Certificate incorporates all areas such as physiology of body systems, toxins, infections, detoxification, lifestyle habits, environment and mental influences. You will also learn about the most effective cancer treatments, therapeutic interventions and proven therapies used in the best clinics around the world. Transform confusion into clarity and bring hope to those who seek lasting health.
Mental Evaluation
Trauma, Shock, Fear, Anger, Resentment,ent, Worry, Frustration, Jealousy, Self talk, Stress
Vital Evaluation
Lifestyle habits, Drinling, Eating, Sleeping, Exercise habits, as well as Environmental Lifestyle

Spiritual Evaluation
Life purpose, Passion, Reason to Live, Spiritual Believes, Core Believes
Physical Evaluation
Check Functionality of all Body Systems, Deficiencies, Infections, Toxicity and Imbalances
Instant Access
Once you have joined, you receive an email with login details that provide you with immediate access to the online course material, slides, info-maps, graphs and videos.
2 Years To Complete The Course
You have up to 2 years to complete the course from the date of enrolment, however as a self-paced online course it can be completed in as little as 5 months.
Lifetime Access To The Course Material
Course materials are constantly updated with new and validated research, treatments, therapies, insights and experiences.

Personal Mentor
Working With A Mentor
All assessments and assignments are manually corrected. We provide each and every student with feedback, encouragement, hints and tips for improvements. You will have direct access to your teachers via email for any questions or enquires during the course.
We Are Here To Help You Succeed
Our certified health professionals will work with you to achieve a solid understanding of the materials. This will ensure that you feel confident and ready to tackle even the most complicated cases. There is no need to be afraid of failing. Our teachers are here to help you succeed and ensure you graduate with confidence in your new skills and knowledge.
Client Management
Instead of papers, sticky notes, or a drawer full of files, you’ll have all your information in one place.
Note taking
To show respect and value a client’s time you don't want to search through notes and paperwork to find what you did last time. The app allows you to access all your latest notes, observations, links and reports with a click of a button.
flags and priorities
While working with a client we can flag urgent matters that need to be addressed. This ensures that no matter how overwhelming a case may be you have identified the areas of greatest priority and are able to return back to them easily.
Research and resources
Every test, treatment, supplement, remedy and therapy is listed with research and links to references. Just this part of the TRULY HEAL APP is worth its weight in gold.

Acreditation With IICT
After you complete your final exam you will receive your Functional Medicine Health Coach Certificate which allows you to become a member of the International Institute for Complementary Medicine.
Get public liability, work indemnity, and product indemnity insurance with the IICT.
World Wide Coverage
IICT accreditation is available in more than 30 countries and gives you the protection you need to work in the health industry.

Business Training
Business Coaching
With this business coaching module you will gain valuable insights and knowledge for how to set up your business, how to structure sales, marketing specifics, and tips on advertising and positioning yourself as an expert.

And More
Waivers and Disclaimers
To keep you safe we have provided disclaimer forms for your clients to sign before you show them a treatment. This way you can make sure they have been informed of all safety protocols, contraindications and side effects.
Product training
To help you achieve best results with your clients you will have access to our unique training for each of the therapies. These are the o3 Academy, Hyperthermia Academy and PEMF Academy.
Product discounts
With your certification you will receive a personal wholesale coupon code which offers a 20% - 30% discount based on volume of sales. This allows you to purchase your own devices, showcase a product and conduct trainings, or sell products to clients.
Download the Brochure & Syllabus
Interested in learning more?
Find out about the TRULY HEAL Functional Medicine Health Coaching program and receive our in-depth syllabus and brochure. You will also get access to our six videos and learn how a TRULY HEAL Functional Medicine Health Coach approaches and views disease.
Together let’s bridge the gap between disease and true health.