Most people grow up unconscious of everyday health risks. They are blind to the world around them as they follow our leaders without any concern that their daily activities can lead to serious disease. Very rarely do people wake up from this unconscious slumber before its too late. For some this may be the death of a loved one or a diagnosis for themselves. In most cases it is a painful experience.

There is a fundamental lack of education. We are not prepared to survive in such a toxic and hospitable world, the lack of education affects us from the moment we are born and continues through out school years, adult and later life. It is one of the most major downfalls in our society and is clearly shown in the skyrocketing health problems we face today.


Only when we are faced with a problem that we are not prepared for, do we realize that without the education to help ourselves, we are forced to depend on others. This raises the huge issue of trust. Especially as, on a whole, we have grown up to be easily drawn into conventional vortexes of false promises, advertising, negative self-empowerment, blind trust, hype and unrealistic expectations. Unfortunately the flip side to this is that with knowledge comes power and the understanding to change, however change is scary and difficult. So most of us prefer to stick our heads in the sand and simply trust in those around us.

With consultation times being seven minutes or less, doctors cannot always treat each individual with the care and time that is needed. Individuality has been lost and quite frankly most generalized treatments don't work. To compound this, most health practitioners have one or two areas of expertise and generally neglect to consider other factors outside their comfort zone. This is not a criticism to practitioners as the body is both complex and unpredictable, however without considering all factors we are left with only a few pieces of a larger puzzle.

Patients are left with the hardest job, needing to sift through a host of information that is often contradictory as well as controversial. Everybody promotes their products promising ‘the cure’ in order to make a sale. The health system is overloaded and confusion is one of the most common reason for a patient to give up his or her search. All of the above often leads to: “I would rather do nothing at all in order to make no mistakes”,  which is the worst of all decisions.


The problem is intensified by the growing knowledge that neither conventional treatments nor alternatives really work. EVERYBODY has seen people suffer from disease having tried either or both of the two healing modalities and shown little to no result.

Conventional medicine is known to have hideous side effects, which at times can be worse that the disease itself, while still not showing the outcomes we'd wish to see considering these side effects. In the case of cancer most have heard or witnessed patients suffer through side effects of medication that diminished the quality of life to the degree where rejecting treatment may have been more humane.

Alternative medicine, on the other hand, is a vast ocean of contradicting rumors, stories, miracle tales and small time businesses. Everybody seems to have a few tips up their sleeve and it can be overwhelming, to say the least, to filter through this vast mesh of incoherent points on the map to health. Possibly the most difficult part to transcend for a new patient is the endless flood of offers.

  • “Buy this mat. All of my patients are in remission since they’ve used it.”
  • “Drink this juice, my friend cured herself from all her issues with nothing but these drinks.”

There are hundreds of so-called “under cover miracle cures”and multi-level marketing scams that can’t be promoted publicly because they are banned by the authorities. Even if some of these therapies were of clinical value the credibility of all these treatments has been destroyed by so much marketing hype that a normal thinking person can not trust them anymore.


Both newly diagnosed and relapsed patients are extremely confused. For every statement there is an opposition.

  • “Drink alkaline water” - “Don't drink alkaline water”
  • “Take vitamin C” -  "Don't ever take vitamin C”

Because each of these statements are presented with 100% conviction, a patient is easily scared into not doing anything at all in order to avoid making mistakes. Only rarely is one opinion correct and most commonly both hold a certain truth which depend on the circumstances. But these statements are never as black and white as they are promoted.


The SYMPTOM is always seen as the primary focus while the CAUSE of disease is generally ignored. Conventional doctors often proclaim that there is no cause and that it’s all just bad luck! This attitude renders everybody helpless and results is a victim mentality. Nobody who buys into this train of thought will have a chance to change.

When we ignore the cause, we do not learn from our mistakes. Every problem we face originated from a multitude of preceding events, situations and conditions. Only by learning about these circumstances we can prevent them in the future. Type 2 diabetes, for example, is caused by a number of circumstances. Only by searching for these causes and removing or modifying them one by one we can hope to reverse a disease. By simply treating the disease we are not addressing the underlying issues but in fact perpetuating it. Learning to address the cause is the most important lesson in this workbook and only when we have achieved this can we evolve to a different level of health and understanding. Not to initiate these changes and begin considering the causes that lead to disease would mean to pass on this health crisis to our children and our children's children.

Then there is another big problem. Doctors and most other practitioners are swamped with daily duties and further education is rarely their primary concern. Especially education that is not provided by pharmaceutical or supplemental companies which is generally biased in nature. Very few take the time out of their busy day to look into the newest non company based research emerging in the field.

Disease = Money

Just like war is highly profitable, so is disease. Those with a good marketing strategy and a convincing argument will make the most. This is equally true for alternative and conventional suppliers. Many offer products that are produced in complete ignorance of their quality or function focusing only on profits  and margins. Some of these products have such inflated costs, yet due to the aggressive and successful marketing they are able to charge these outrageous amounts. The supplement market is often the biggest minefield for patients and in itself is a reason to give up right away.

As much as we wish it were otherwise, money makes the world go round and the financial stress for a patient when suffering from a chronic illness can be profound. Doctors, medicine, treatments and supplements are very expensive and often leave patients backed into a corner needing to pick a promising treatment route just so that it remains financially possible. Many patients don't even consider looking for alternatives for that reason. They will simply go for the treatment that their insurance will pay for.

Although this seems very doom and gloom we all know that money can’t buy health. Otherwise all rich people would live a lot longer and all poor people would die. So it’s not the money or the treatments it can buy, but the path that is chosen. There are wise decisions which cost hardly anything and there are very expensive treatments that won’t help at all.

If you do not address the root cause of the problem TRUE HEALING cannot occur. To HEAL you need to find what makes you sick and then remove it and then look at supporting treatments.

As simply as that we've come full circle, education and understanding are our only help. If we learn how to help yourself then we can make educated decisions that really work.
Admittedly, education doesn't come easily, it requires commitment and dedication, its can be daunting and a little scary, but with help, you can become empowered to change your own and others lives for the better.