
Welcome to our health coaching course, we are so very excited to have you on board!

Just before you begin please make yourself familiar with some important points on how to navigate through the course materials, answer questions and contact your teacher.

We have provided you with some screenshots below, which should help you with navigating the coaching platform. 

Some important facts to remember:

  1. The platform opens up 4-6 chapters at a time. After all of the chapters quizzes are graded the next few chapters will automatically open up. There are some reasons this is in place. First it gives you time to catch up with some possible answers that need rectifying, and secondly we make sure that you are not rushing through the course without digesting what you have learnt.
  2. In order to open the next chapters you have to tick each chapter as complete when the quiz has been graded. See screenshot below. 
  3. Under your course profile (little down arrow on the side of the course) you can find your quiz progress, teacher comments, answers to your questions and the option to amend answers. 
  4. The answers to quizzes should be precise, showcase what you know! Please don't copy your answers directly from our text., copying is not learning. You only learn when you have to reformulate the answer with your own words. Don't worry we don't look at spelling mistakes or grammar.
  5. Always read your teacher comments. Your teacher leaves comments even when graded 100%. These comments include further clarifications, additional information, words of encouragement and/ or answers to a question you may have asked.

  6. If your teacher asks you to amend an answer then this can be done in the comments by following their instructions. 

  7. Our goal is that you understand the content, that's why we don't have a percentage of passing but rather make sure that your answers are correct. Don't worry we are with you all the way through the course. 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask us directly via email. 

Have fun studying!! 🙂


Please study these screenshots carefully. They will show you step by step how the coaching platform works. 


After every 4 (sometimes 5-6) lessons you get blocked. This was installed to ensure that the teacher can go and grade your work before continuing through the course. 

Always read your teacher comments. Your teacher leaves comments even when graded 100%. These comments include further clarifications, additional information and or answers to a question you may have asked.


Please don't copy your answers directly from our text. Copying is not learning. You only learn when you have to reformulate the answer with your own words. Don't worry we don't look at spelling mistakes or grammar.

If you need any further guidance, please don't hesitate to contact us. 


Course Disclaimer:
No publication can be assumed to encompass the full scope of information that an individual Practitioner / Coach brings to his or her practice and, therefore, this course is not intended to be used as a clinical manual recommending specific treatments or tests for individual patients. It is intended for use as an educational tool, to broaden the knowledge and perspective of the practitioner / coach.

It is the responsibility of the coach and healthcare practitioner to make his or her own determination of the usefulness and applicability of any information contained therein. If medical advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The final decision to engage in any medical treatment should be made jointly by the patient and his or her healthcare practitioner. Neither of the authors assume any liability for any errors or omissions or for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising from the use of information to be found in this publication.