Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation

UVBI is an inexpensive treatment involving a simple three-step process. A small amount of the patient’s blood is first withdrawn then exposed to a stream of ultraviolet light (UV). Finally the blood is slowly returned to the bloodstream. The irradiated blood circulates throughout the body destroying bacteria, inactivating toxins and viruses, and enhancing the immune system. The reason for this phenomenon is not clearly understood. UVBI can be used as part of a treatment plan for colds/influenza, acute and chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, cancer, emphysema, HIV, chemical sensitivity, fibromyalgia / chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, tendonitis, and even heart disease. Another application of this blood withdrawing/returning procedure is called autohemotherapy, which has been used successfully, mostly throughout Europe, for over 50 years. Blood is withdrawn from the arm, infused with ozone and then returned to the body. Autohemotherapy may help regulate the immune system and decrease inflammation.



Our immune system, like any army, has certain limits. It can only fight off a certain number of pathogens before there is a high chance it will loose. Luckily the body has a built in safety mechanism to aid the immune system at this time. Surprisingly, this safety mechanism is an increase in systemic temperature called pyrexia, hyperthermia or more commonly known as fever.

Homeostasis is the constant balancing act that ensures our body stays in equilibrium. Everything from temperature, to pH, to blood sugar levels, need to remain in a state of balance for all the body’s components to perform optimally. A fever is the body's highly evolved attempt to destroy invading organisms and to sweat impurities out through the skin. Fever is an effective natural process of curing disease and restoring health. Hypocrites, the founder of Western medicine, said more than two thousand years ago, ‘Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease.’

During a fever, the functionality of the immune system is stimulated, while the growth of bacteria and viruses are forced to slow down. The production of white blood cells, the primary agents of the immune system, is increased; as is the rate of their release into the blood stream. The generation of antibodies speeds up, as does the production of interferon, an anti viral protein that also has powerful cancer-fighting properties.

The fever activates the immune system dramatically and also creates heat shock proteins on the surface of cancer cells. This effect makes the cancer visible and vulnerable to the increased amount of immune cells. The increased blood flow and oxygenation during the process helps to detoxify the body at the same time.

It’s like giving steroids to all the soldiers in your army.

Especially for kids fever is an important part of their healing reaction. Dr. Gunes says, ‘Parents should not medicate immediately as fever trains the immune system to fight any illnesses.’

As a treatment, the act of increasing a patient’s core body temperature is called hyperthermia. There are several different ways this could be achieved. The most common is by way of water-filtered infrared-A-irradiation, however, viral therapy is another option sometimes used.

Therapeutic hyperthermia is broken up into two different categories:

Whole body hyperthermia
Local hyperthermia


Whole body hyperthermia (WBH)

Whole body hyperthermia is a holistic cancer treatment that applies heat throughout the whole body with limited side effects. It enhances the immune system, enabling it to find the tumour cells and attack them. A chemical reaction is created on the wall of the cell by the heat and the immune system can then find the cell more specifically and easily.

New studies show that when the application is extended from 2 to 3 hours to 6 to 8 hours, the treatment will also directly kill the tumour. In the case of metastasis the blood flow is increased throughout the body, therefore; a targeted response is not as effective and this whole body process is needed. Whole body hyperthermia also helps to bring the chemotherapy inside the cell. Because the blood vessels are weakened, the heat helps the process and simultaneously flushes any chemotherapy waste product from the body, which lowers the side effects of the chemotherapy.


Moderate whole body hyperthermia – stimulates the immune system.

The moderate whole body hyperthermia mainly activates the immune system. This treatment is given when chemotherapy is not appropriate. The body core temperature is raised to about 39.5 C, which simulates a natural fever and causes an increase in the number and activity of natural cells, T-helper cells and cytotoxic T-cells. This treatment is also used in cancer diseases with special association to the immune system like renal-cell-carcinoma, malignant melanoma and special lymphomas.

Moderate whole body hyperthermia is also used to prevent recurrences.

Extreme whole body hyperthermia – particularly in advanced or metastatic disease

Extreme whole body hyperthermia is used in combination with chemotherapy in advanced or metastatic cancer. The body core temperature is increased up to 42C.

Extreme whole body hyperthermia is useful in advanced cancer, especially with metastases in different organs, e.g. in the liver, bones or lungs.

Together with whole body hyperthermia, chemotherapy is more effective. The protocol starts the chemotherapy at a temperature of about 41C. Very often it is possible to use very low doses of chemotherapy, so side effects of the chemotherapy are kept to a minimum. Tumours or metastases resistant to chemotherapy can be successfully treated with a combination treatment of high doses of vitamin C and whole body hyperthermia.

Although extreme the whole body hyperthermia is still considered a safe treatment.

During the whole body hyperthermia the patient is in a special unit and is monitored closely.


Local Hyperthermia

Hyperthermia is an application used to heal cancer by pointedly raising the temperature in the tumour tissue. Thanks to modern technology, this can be done without causing any harm to the patient. With the help of an applicator, short waves are sent into the tumour and thus damaging it.

Unlike classical radiation where x-ray radiation is used, the microwaves are not radioactive! Therefore, this therapy is applicable for most patients, regardless of tumour stage and general condition. Also, the immune system is not destroyed or even disturbed by the use of these waves, which means a much faster recovery.

At a certain temperature range, the destruction of the tumour is initiated without harming healthy tissue. This effect is due to the ability of healthy cells to disperse the artificial heat faster and more effectively while tumour cells lack this ability. As a consequence, a very high temperature is accumulated in the tumour cells; which lead to their destruction by the natural scavenger cells of the body.

The positive therapeutic effect of hyperthermia is particularly high for solid tumours, the recurrence of previously treated tumours (relapse) and metastases.

Nowadays, many scientists classify hyperthermia as the fourth column against cancer. Its effect has been well studied in large University centres in Europe and Japan. There are more than 20,000 completed hyperthermia studies related to cancer.

Local hyperthermia is particularly suitable for localised and deep-seated tumours and metastases, such as:

  • Thoracic and abdominal cancer
  • Lung and liver tumours and/or metastases
  • Gastro-intestinal and bladder cancer
  • Brain tumours
  • ENT tumours
  • Lymph node metastases and localised lymphoma
  • Sarcomas of all types
  • Prostate cancer
  • Bone cancer and bone metastases
  • Skin cancer.


Use this link to find out about contra- indications, possible side effects, as well as a checklist what is needed to do Hyperthermia at home:


Viral Fever Therapy

Similar to infrared induced hyperthermia, viral fever therapy is the body’s reaction to a low grade virus that induces a fever state in a patient. The danger of this form of fever induction is sometimes debated, however, close monitoring by doctors and experience has shown the practice to be quite safe.



Galvanotherapy is also called the electrotherapy method, which uses a direct electrical current directed into the tumours on the skin surface or under the skin.

Two methods are known:

  • Invasive method

In the invasive method, platinum or gold needles are inserted into the body following local anesthesia and through them an electrical current is passed into the tumour. The exact voltage is determined according to the size of the tumour.

  • Noninvasive method

In the noninvasive method the electrodes are placed on the skin, above and below the tumour, and an electrical current passes through the body and from side to side in the tumour area.

Effects of the Galvanotherapy:

The electrical current changes the pH inside the tumour, leading to over permeability of the cell membrane, which aids in the destruction of the cancer cell. This leads to tumour cell apoptosis
The electrical current causes the cancer cells to produce heat shock proteins, which attract natural killer cells to the tumour.
Galvanotherapy is not affecting healthy tissue; the electric current is only harmful to cancer cells.


Low-Dosage Naltrexone

In 1984 the Food and Drug Administration approved naltrexone for the treatment of opium addiction as It is an opium antagonist.

Low doses of naltrexone increase endorphin production inside the body.

Bernard Bihari, MD, discovered the major clinical effects of low dose naltrexone. He used it to treat various cancers in his private clinic. Dr. Bihari has reportedly treated more than 450 cancer patients with LDN with promising results, including cancers of the bladder, breast, liver, lung, lymph nodes, colon, and rectum. According to Dr. Bihari, nearly a quarter of his patients had at least a 75% reduction in tumour size, and nearly 60 percent of his patients demonstrated disease stability.

LDN acts against tumours in three ways:

Activates the opioid receptors found on the membranes of cancer cells. Because of that, growth factors can’t bind to their matching receptors in these cells and activate the signal transduction pathway
Induces apoptosis by direct effect on tumour cells
Increases the number of natural killer cells through endorphines, which affect the immune system.
The therapeutic dosage range for LDN is from 1.5mg to 4.5mg every night. Dosages below this range are likely to have no effect at all, and dosages above this range are likely to block endorphins for too long a period of time and interfere with its effectiveness. There are no side effects reported with this low concentration.

Avoid slow-release (SR) or timed-release naltrexone. Slow-release formulas may not give the full therapeutic effects.

Be aware of inactive fillers. Part of the LDN capsule will contain a "neutral" filler material, however there is some evidence to suggest that calcium carbonate as filler could interfere with the absorption of LDN. So to be on the safe side, avoid LDN capsules that contain calcium carbonate fillers.

Naltrexone in combination with IV Alpha Lipoid Acid (ALA)

The ALA/LDN protocol by Dr. Berkson is reported scientifically with seven patients with advanced cancers (pancreatic and lymphomas). He had treated them successfully over the past 10 years with a combination of ALA (intravenously and orally) and LDN (orally), along with diet, vitamins, and lifestyle changes.

Dr. Berkson used ALA in the past to repair liver damage in patients from mushroom poisoning or chronic infections with hepatitis C virus. There are a number of research articles in European medical journals showing ALA’s beneficial effects on cancer.

Dr. Berkson protocol is low dose Naltrexone 4.5 mg in the evening and IV Alpha Lipoic Acid (100-600mg) every 3-6months twice a day for two weeks plus a healthy lifestyle and nutrition program.

If IV ALA is not possible oral supplementation can be used as a substitute.

Dr Burt Berkson complete talk and Q&A and LDN09


IV Treatments

These treatments involve the injection of substances into the blood stream intravenously. Due to this, these substances bypass the body’s natural lines of defence and processing. Therefore, these treatments come with an increased risk. However, they also have a greater therapeutic outcome and are often necessary for patients suffering severe chronic diseases. These treatments need to be done by doctor or similarly trained professional. Due to the powerful and direct therapeutic effect these medications have, the dosages of these substances is completely dependent on the practitioners experience and the patient’s specific physical, genetic and emotional condition.

Vitamin C

The effect of vitamin C has been fully explored in the previous section about medical treatments. Due to the intravenous infusion it is possible to give a patient much higher blood concentrations of vitamin C. This can dramatically increase the lyses of cancer cells due to built up hydrogen peroxide. Doses are dramatically higher than oral doses, however, especially when combined with other treatments, practitioners use varying doses.

Dosages range from 15,000 - 60,000mg/per Iv


Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid of turmeric, which is a member of the ginger family. Curcumin is a COX-2 inhibitor, inhibits metastasis, prevents regrowth of cancer stem cells, inhibits vascular epithelial growth factor (anti-angiogenesis), activates a key tumour suppressor gene, boosts cellular glutathione levels, helps to prevent liver damage.

Current studies are still underway in Europe, however, they are showing extremely positive responses to IV curcumin treatments.


Artemisinin is an antimalarial drug derived from the sweet wormwood plant. Its mechanism is extensively described in another chapter. This herb has shown to have anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-metastasis, and growth inhibition effects. These effects are amplified by an increased intravenous dose.


Glutathione is an extremely important cell protectant. It directly quenches reactive hydroxyl free radicals, other oxygen-centered free radicals, and radical centers on DNA and other biomolecules. Glutathione plays a major role in Phase 2 detoxification pathway and is necessary to detox heavy metals and toxic substances out of the body.

Glutathione is not utilized by the body when supplemented orally therefore Glutathione IV push is very effective. It is given intravenously in the arm by IV push over 10 to 15 minutes usually two-three times a week.

Vitamins/Myers cocktail

There are a series of different vitamins that can be administered via IV. Administering these vitamins in this way ensures that 100% arrives in the blood stream. One of the most common vitamin IV treatments is the Myers cocktail. Pioneered by the late Dr. John Myers, MD, the cocktail is a mixture of magnesium, calcium, B-vitamins (including B12), and vitamin C. This treatment can be an easy way to ensure that a patient has adequate nutrition even if their diet may have been lacking in one form or another.


In 2007 cardiologist Evangelos Michelakis, of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his colleagues sparked a firestorm of interest when they announced rats fed DCA (dichloroacetate) showed rapid tumour regression without any apparent side effects.

The Michelakis team shrank human cancer tumours in rats by 75% in just three weeks using a chemical that is already considered safe enough to use in the treatment of serious and fatal metabolic diseases.

DCA (dichloroacetate) is a synthetic drug and a chemotherapy agent. Although practically non-toxic compared to any standard accepted cancer treatments, we strongly encourage you to not self-medicate and to work with a physician. DCA use must be considered experimental.

This is how DCA works:

Unlike normal cells, cancer cells are masterful at deriving energy from glycolysis—they have very active enzyme activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, or PDK. The way to make a cancer cell unhappy is by suppressing PDK, forcing the cell to use glucose oxidation, instead of glycolysis. This is called the Warburg theory of cancer, or the Warburg hypothesis. This is where DCA comes in.

DCA suppresses PDK (the mitochondrial gatekeeper), and this fires up the cell's mitochondria. Not only does this force the cancer cell to abandon its preferred metabolic process, but it flips the cell's ‘suicide switch’ as well. This happens because mitochondria are the primary regulators of apoptosis, or cellular suicide—they are loaded with sensors that react to abnormalities by pushing the cell's self-destruct button.

When a cancer cell's mitochondria realise it's a cancer cell, it spontaneously kills itself.

It should be noted that caffeine may radically increases the effects of DCA. In fact, this effect is so pronounced that some researchers are working on developing a ‘DCA-caffeine’ cancer treatment protocol.

DCA causes some side effects which are mostly neurological. Peripheral neuropathy and encephalopathy are reported after prolonged use.

The side effects reported by users (taken from survey to-date), include:

  • Peripheral neuropathy (tingling in the fingers)
  • Numbness in toes or fingers
  • Shaking or tremors in hands
  • Weakness in legs
  • Mild nausea
  • Swollen ankles
  • More urination
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sleepy
  • Breathing heavier than usual
  • Tingling (neuropathy) in the lips.

DCA could be a possible drug for terminal cancer patients!

No clinical trials have been conducted so far. DCA is a cheap drug and can’t be patented. So there is no profit in marketing DCA and no reason to push clinical trials.



Antineoplaston treatment is an experimental therapy offered by the Burzynski Clinic, currently available only within clinical trials.

Antineoplastons (ANP) are peptides and amino acid derivatives. Dr. Burzynski was the first to identify naturally occurring peptides in the human body that control cancer growth. He observed that cancer patients typically had a deficiency of certain peptides in their blood as compared to healthy individuals.

According to Dr. Burzynski, antineoplastons are components of a biochemical defence system that controls cancer without destroying normal cells.

The clinical trials encompass a variety of brain tumours in both children and adults. Over the last ten years more than 2,000 patients have participated in these trials. Only patients eligible to enroll in clinical trials may receive antineoplaston treatment under study.

The studies have shown a 30% success rate. The level of success is measured prior to initiation of treatment and is determined by genetic screening. In the Burzynski clinic, every patient with antineoplastons who are likely to have a positive, effective treatment is booked. Although there was a large success rate, the trials also showed several dangerous and even life threatening side effects. The treatment also needed to be paid privately and could cost in excess of $100 thousand a year.

In 2009 the FDA gave Burzynski permission to perform these treatments, however, his right to continue the trials was taken away in 2012. Currently Burzynski is not administering antineoplastons therapy. However, he is using other drugs that have antineoplastone activity. There are rumors of other places that are giving this treatment, however no definite sources were found.


Photo-Dynamic Therapy PDT

SPDT has been around since the 1800s, very successful, but limited by the toxicity of the agents, that were not very selective for cancer cells and very toxic, essentially forms of Chemo. In the late 1990s, non-toxic agents were developed in Russia, primarily algae/chlorophyll, launching PDT into a whole new level of non-toxic, non-invasive cancer treatment.

In the first step of PDT for cancer treatment, a photosensitizing agent is taken or injected. The agent is absorbed by cells all over the body but stays in cancer cells longer than it does in normal cells. Approximately 24 to 72 hours after injection, when most of the agent has left normal cells, but remains in cancer cells, the tumor is exposed to light. The photosensitizer in the tumor absorbs the light and produces an active form of oxygen that destroys malignant cancer tissue while leaving normal tissue unharmed.

In addition to directly killing cancer cells, PDT appears to shrink or destroy tumors in two other ways. The photosensitizer can damage blood vessels in the tumor, thereby preventing the cancer from receiving necessary nutrients. PDT also may activate the immune system to attack the tumor cells.

The light needed to activate most photosensitizers cannot pass through more than about one-third of an inch of tissue (1 centimeter). For this reason, PDT is usually used to treat tumors on or just under the skin or on the lining of internal organs or cavities. PDT is also less effective in treating large tumors, because the light cannot pass far into these tumors. PDT is a local treatment and generally cannot be used to treat cancer that has spread (metastasized).

Researchers continue to study ways to improve the effectiveness of PDT and expand it to other cancers.

PhotoDynamic Therapy is an approved safe and effective treatment for cancer. It’s fundamental success lies in it’s ability to selectively attach to malignant tissue and cause singlet oxygen to be released inside the cancer cell, resulting in either necrosis (immediate cell death) or apoptosis (cells are damaged and will die later) while leaving healthy tissue unaffected.


Cryoablation / Percutaneous Cryoablation / Cryotherapy can be used instead of surgery for some specific tumours

Localized treatment which aims to freeze cancer cells. The cold comes from liquid nitrogen or argon gas.  Cryotherapy may be used to treat tumors inside the body as well as on the skin. This treatment only damages the cells exposed to the cold.

When done for internal organs, it is by inserting a needle through the skin directly into the tumor, then a gas that freezes the tissue is pumped through the needle.


Stem cell therapy/ bone marrow transplant

Bone marrow is a soft fatty tissue that is in the bones. In the bone marrow, stem cells are created. Stem cells are the body’s raw materials, they can turn into red and white blood cells and platelets, which helps the blood to clots.

In this therapy, stem cells transplanted replace cells that have been damaged (due to a disease or chemotherapy) or used to strengthen the immune system to fight different types of cancers, as well as other health conditions.

In a typical stem cell transplant for cancer very high doses of chemo are used, sometimes along with radiation therapy, to try to kill all the cancer cells. This treatment also kills the stem cells in the bone marrow. Soon after treatment, stem cells are given to replace those that were destroyed. These stem cells are given into a vein, much like a blood transfusion. Over time they settle in the bone marrow and begin to grow and make healthy blood cells. This process is called engraftment.

There are 3 main types of transplants 

Autologous– The marrow from the patient’s own body.  Through blood and urine laboratory exams, it is possible to isolate proteins, polysaccharides, by-products, neurotransmitters and microorganisms that can be used to create specific autologous vaccines to reprogram, modulate and stimulate a patient’s immune system response.

This kind of transplant is mainly used to treat certain leukemias, lymphomas, and multiple myeloma. It’s sometimes used for other cancers, like testicular cancerand neuroblastoma, and certain cancers in children. Doctors are looking at how autologous transplants might be used to treat other diseases, too, like systemic sclerosis, multiple sclerosis (MS), Crohn's disease, and systemic lupus erythematosis (lupus).

A possible disadvantage of an autologous transplant is that cancer cells may be collected along with the stem cells and then later put back into the body. Another disadvantage is that the immune system is the same as it was before the transplant. This means the cancer cells were able to escape attack from the immune system before, and may be able to do so again.

Allogenic transplant– from another person, with closely matching genes

Umbilical cord transplant– from a newborn umbilical cord