There are a lot of reasons for your immune system to be overwhelmed. One of the most toxic areas in the body is the mouth. The buccal mucosa immediately absorbs almost everything that enters the mouth. This direct entry for toxins, and even some pathogens, is a major concern. Therefore, oral health is very often forgotten when it comes to chronic disease.
It all starts with poor hygiene, which causes the growth of bacteria. This warm and moist environment is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, which stresses your immune system dramatically.
Then there is tooth decay and matters pertaining to the bone and gums. Serious inflammations, bleeding gums, bone loss, ulcers and cysts are very common.
Another problem can come from cavitations. These are holes in your jawbone as a result of the extraction of an infected tooth. When the cavity is not properly cleaned out and the bone closes over the infected area an internal inflammation may sit for years, slowly releasing toxic gasses and byproducts of the bacterium into the body. This is a primary concern for chronic inflammation.
Root canals
Root canals are similar to an internal infection of the dentin where anaerobic bacteria live. The process of inflammation and infection of the pulpal and then the periapical tissues (around the root tip) will lead to the generation of many toxic chemicals. These include volatile sulfur compounds; hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and methyl mercaptan (CH3SH) all seeping out into your body, contributing to your toxic load and challenging the immune system.
False teeth, an implant, even a filling can trigger an immune response. When the body is exposed to a foreign subject the immune system recognises it as a foreign object and begins an immune response to remove it. The immune response is a natural reaction similar to when the body is exposed to a splinter, it creates inflammation to fight possible pathogens and remove the foreign object. The body starts an inflammation to increase the blood flow in that area and the immune system starts to fight against the intruder.
Implants (teeth, breast, hips, joints) can cause the immune system to be activated. With some implants immunosuppressant medication is given so that the body does not mount this response and attempt to reject the intruder. Although often-necessary immunosuppressant medication can cause devastating effects on an already immune compromised individual. Oral implants are sometimes not treated with immunosuppressant medication and inflammation can be another burden on the immune system.
Cavitations are enclosed infections in the bone. They are breeding grounds for infections and bacteria that outgas toxic THIOETHER into the body. This toxic gas travels along the meridian to the connected organs and is one of the main causes of immune suppression. These bacteria filled caves in a warm and moist environment are very dangerous and need to be treated urgently.
A process practiced in the Paracelsus clinic in St. Gallen Swiss is the injection of lactic acid into the cave to neutralise the infection and to create a healing reaction. This process is repeated several times until the body has recovered and the cave has filled up with bone material. Additionally to the injections PEMF is used to stimulate bone growth and to activate the healing reaction.
Galvanic Processes
Different metals in your mouth cause galvanic currencies from high grade metals to low grade metals. This process sends constant electric impulses to your brain which causes a host of physical disturbances. One of these problems is the influence on your hormone and endocrine system. All systems run under constant alarm and so tire and desensitise.
After the removal of different metals in a mouth many recoveries have been noted.
Amalgam fillings
Amalgam fillings, which are made of mercury, add tremendously to your overall toxic load. Day by day, mercury is leaking out of these fillings and poisoning your system.
Mercury fillings are very volatile and leach out mercury into your system. Mercury is a highly toxic neurotoxin in the body, which can have an adverse effect on almost all body systems. Dental sealants are primarily composed of plastics. Some contain bisphenol A (BPA), which is a endocrine disruptor and will put added strain on your immune system. Other sealants, which may be BPA free, can contain other volatile substances found in plastic that exhibit similar neurotoxic or endocrine disrupting effects. Unfortunately, general practice dentists can end up doing more harm to a persons systemic health than the good they do in the localised confines of the mouth.
Dental detox
Mercury fillings have been proven as neurotoxic, embryotoxic, mutagenic and immunotoxic. In simple terms, mercury weakens the immune system, has adverse effects on the function of the central and peripheral nervous system, toxic effects on the embryo and increases the frequency of mutation. There is no healing possible without removing the constant poisoning of the system through mercury fillings.
Safe removal of these fillings is very often the only solution to minimise the toxic load of the body. But be careful because taking out the amalgam needs to be done by a professional who knows what they are dealing with. A HIGHLY TOXIC SUBSTANCE!
We recommend a biological dentist who takes precautionary measures in removing amalgam fillings. It is very beneficial if the dentist has a special, built- in, air filter system to minimise the inhalation of mercury. Some dentists even administer IV vitamin C during this procedure to detox the body and keep the toxic exposure at a minimum.
Holistic doctors have routinely recommended the removal of any mercury amalgam fillings prior to planning a family. Ideally the removal of amalgam fillings and their replacement with non toxic composite or porcelain materials should be addressed at least six months prior to conceiving. The mercury released from dental amalgams has been shown to cross the placenta during pregnancy and is also transferred via breast milk during breast-feeding.
If your client is currently pregnant or breastfeeding it is not advised to consider any mercury amalgam removal. Alternatively, a soft mouth guard could be worn during sleep to prevent grinding and clenching on amalgams at night.
To remove amalgam and other heavy metals from your mouth a good holistic dentist lines your mouth completely and only exposes the infected tooth they work on. You receive oxygen and are completely covered. The biological dentist also wears a mask to prevent the fate conventional dentists have to suffer. They have special extraction vents and special filters to avoid environmental pollution. This process is very important to avoid reabsorption of mercury and any other toxic substance. The most important part in removing heavy metal toxicity is not only the work of the dentist, but a continuing detoxification program.
Bone Healing
A good way to expedite your bone growth healing, after the extraction of a tooth, is the use of plasma. The dentist draws blood which is cleared from red blood cells in a centrifuge. Then this gelatine material is filled into the cavitation and extraction sites before the gum is stitched up. This filling promotes bone growth and acts as a disinfectant.
Additional to this treatment a good holistic dentist offers PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic frequency) therapy which prevents infections, mobilises your immune system, oxygenates the blood and increases bone density. It is recommended to have PEMF sessions at least 2 to 3 times a day after intense dental work.
Chronic inflammation
If your client is currently pregnant or breastfeeding it is not advised to consider any mercury amalgam removal. Alternatively, a soft mouth guard could be worn during sleep to prevent grinding and clenching on amalgams at night.
Another factor which needs to be addressed in your mouth, is chronic inflammation known as gum disease. Chronic inflammation is responsible for many chronic diseases, including cancer.
Gum disease includes gingivitis and peridontitis.
Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gum caused by bacterial build up. The gum gets swollen, red and bleeds easily. Good oral hygiene and proper diet can eliminate this problem.
Periodontitis is much more serious because the plaque which used to be around the tooth has now spread below the gum line. Toxins produced by the bacteria trigger chronic inflammation and are a heavy burden to the immune system. Also heart disease, diabetes and respiratory disease are associated with periodontitis.
Dr. Dominique Michaud of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston said: ‘Men with a history of periodontal disease had a 64% increased risk of pancreatic cancer than men with no history.’
Oral Microbiome
Oral bacteria play an important role in maintaining oral and systemic health and the latest research shows that if the oral microbiome becomes imbalanced, dental caries and periodontal disease can occur. An imbalance in your mouth’s microbiome can also have negative effects on your overall health and wellbeing.
An imbalance in the oral microbiome has been implicated in a number of systemic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, inflammatory bowel disease, and colorectal cancer, respiratory tract infections, appendicitis, and diabetes. Poor oral health has also been shown to have negative consequences for both mother and baby during pregnancy. Oral bacteria contribute to these conditions either through direct infection of distant body sites or through interactions with the immune system.
We can influence the oral microbiome directly by consuming certain probiotics. The use of probiotics can improve oral health; however, these effects are only seen with specific probiotic strains, so it is important to choose probiotics that have been proven to be beneficial.
Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 5289 reduce numbers of pathogenic oral bacteria that cause dental caries and periodontal disease. Furthermore, consumption of these strains has reduced the occurrence of dental caries, and improved clinical features and outcomes of gingivitis and periodontitis in scientific studies.
Tips for good oral hygiene are
- Flossing is a good way to clean teeth but there is a very high possibility that you push these food rests even further down between your teeth and your gum. Using a Waterpik Waterflosser Ultra is a fantastic way to clean your teeth and the spaces in between without the risk of food getting stuck between your teeth and your pockets.
- Mouth disinfection with cellular silver, apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide rinse, myrrh, peppermint...
- Use only non-toxic toothpaste which is free of fluoride, sodium laurel/laureth sulphate, triclosan, sodium hydroxide and other nasty chemicals.
- Whenever using lemon water, ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) or Kombucha , always bathe your mouth in an alkaline bicarbonate of soda solution afterwards to protect your enamel from eroding from the acidity. A simple teaspoon of bicarb in a glass of water.
- The simple practice of oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic method for detoxification and rejuvenation. Oil pulling with coconut oil is a practice to help gums and teeth. Gums can become stronger and some people report their teeth being whiter. Coconut oil is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and therefore will help to cleans and detoxify the mouth. Oil pulling is done best in the morning. To start, scoop ½ to 1 full tablespoon of oil into the mouth; if it’s cold, allow the oil to melt. Now push, swirl, and pull the oil between your teeth, around your gums, and allow it to touch every part of your mouth except your throat. You don’t want the oil getting in contact with your throat because it’s now carrying somewhat toxic material. No gargling! Have fun with it, though from anywhere between 5 to 20 minutes.
Once your time pulling is over, spit into the trash or toilet, but never the sink — the oil could solidify and clog your drain. Now rinse your mouth out with clean water two or three times. Finally, drink a glass of water and relax. You should be feeling fresh and rejuvenated.
Further reading recommended:
Article: Can oral health be linked to your chronic diseases?
Further reading but not required:
Book: Dentistry without mercury by Sam and Michael F.Ziff